Algeria Samba School at Unlimited Festival

Emergency Exit Arts has been working with Sardines Integrated Dance who will be performing in the Alegria Samba School at the South Bank Unlimited festival. Led by the New Carnival Company with VIVA Carnival.

This is the result of a specially created carnival collaboration, involving costumes, drummers and dance performance. It has been produced with international partners from Rio Carnival in Brazil – Embaixadores da Alegria, the largest inclusive and disability led carnival group in the world. The Carnival’s theme is the Atlantic rainforest in Brazil (Mata Atlantica).

See performances inspired by exotic birds, plants and animals as well as traditional characters from Afro-Brazilian folklore.

This is a free event.

Times: 1.00pm, 2.00pm and 3.30pm

Click here to book tickets for accessibility services via the Southbank Centre.

Event details

1.00pm, 2.00pm and 3.30pm

Sun 9 September 2018 • All day